Civil Society, Development, Environment, WorldviewsIs The Court Clearing Vedanta?with Kanchi KohliCivil SocietyAshish1 May 2008
Biodiversity, Civil Society, For childrenTurtles In The NightThe Hindu Young World Ashish4 April 2008
Biodiversity, Civil Society, Energy & climateThe 4C Factor: Community conservation and climate changeBiodiversityAshish1 January 2008
Agriculture, BiodiversityProtected Landscapes and Agrobiodiversity Valueswith Thora Amend, Jessica Brown, Adrian Phillips and Sue StoltonVolume 1, Protected Landscapes Task Force of IUCN´s World Commission on Protected AreasAshish1 January 2008
Biodiversity, Civil SocietyProtected Areas And People: The Future Of The PastParks Journal (Vol 17, No 2)Ashish1 January 2008
BiodiversityDiversifying Protected Area GovernanceSecretariat of the Convention on Biological DiversityAshish1 January 2008
Biodiversity, Civil SocietyShould Degraded Land Be Leased To Industry?debate with R Narayan MurthyBusiness StandardAshish12 September 2007