Decentralized Governance And Natural Resource Management In India

University of Pune
University of Pune
The Hindu
with Farhad Vania, Neema Pathak
Kalpavriksh and IIED
with Farhad Vania, Neema Pathak, Tejaswini Apte
Kalpavriksh and IIED
The Sanctuary
Debate with Gail Omvedt
The Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars Vol 31, No. 4
SNDT College of Arts & SCB College of Commerce and Economics for Women
The Hindu
With N. Pathak, RV Anuradha, & B. Taneja
Sage Publications
For - Public hearing, World Commission on Dams
With Farhad Vania, Priya Das, K. Christopher and Suniti Jha