Where Has All The Water Gone?

The Hindu
The Hindu
The Hindu
The Hindu
The Sanctuary
Debate with Gail Omvedt
The Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars Vol 31, No. 4
SNDT College of Arts & SCB College of Commerce and Economics for Women
The Hindu
With N. Pathak, RV Anuradha, & B. Taneja
Sage Publications
For - Public hearing, World Commission on Dams
with Rohan D'Souza, Pranab Mukhopadhyay
Economic and Political Weekly, Vol XXXIII, No. 6.
Understanding Biodiversity comes as a wake-up call at a time when the predatory practices of our ‘modern’ civilization have transformed nature into an exploitable resource, opened up our plant and animal life to endless expropriation and eroded the biodiversity that…
Asian Age