I am not sure what to call myself … perhaps most appropriate would be an Indian environmentalist working on development – environment interface, biodiversity policy, and alternatives. Environment and wildlife have been passions since high school in Delhi, when (in 1978-79) I helped found Kalpavriksh, a non-profit organisation in India which deals with environmental and development issues. From that time onwards I’ve been associated with peoples’ movements like Narmada Bachao Andolan and Beej Bachao Andolan. From then till now (late 2022), when I’m helping to coordinate national and global networks like Vikalp Sangam and Global Tapestry of Alternatives, it’s been quite a journey. More at: Bio
Image: A touching moment with a Bonnet macaque baby, Athirapally Falls, Kerala, Nov 2023
Areas of Interest & Experience
I have been studying, vocalising, advocating, networking, and writing on various issues related to environment and development – wildlife and biodiversity, community participation in governance, sustainable livelihoods, ecological crises, and radical alternatives. This website covers my books and articles, engagements and affiliations, art and poetry, since the late 1970s.
Latest Posts
- Speaking for Nature’s Spokespersons (review of Ram Guha’s ‘Speaking with Nature’)
- Regenerating the Flow of Life (Bioregionalism in South Asia)
- Elections, power and the illusions of choice
- Im Supermarkt der Demokratie ist die Wahl eine Illusion – gibt es eine echte Alternative?
- Autonomy and pluriversal energy futures in Ladakh, IndiaW
- En la supermercado de la democracia, elegir es una ilusión