Environment, Social Justice, Worldviewsवैश्विक संकट के माहौल में आदिवासियों का नजरिया नई राह दिखा सकता है, उनकी आवाज सुनी जाएद प्रिन्टAshish29 March 2023
Democracy, Environment, Social JusticeThe Goba of Ladakh: Current relevance of a traditional governance systemkafila.online Ashish27 March 2023
Development, EnvironmentIndia Budget 2023: Green only in name?vikalpsangam.org Ashish21 February 2023
Biodiversity, Democracy, Development, Environment, Social JusticeLadakh, a Fragile Region, needs AutonomyThe HinduAshish15 February 2023
Civil Society, Development, Environment, Social JusticeIt did not stop the dam, but is it a failure?meer.comAshish13 February 2023
Civil Society, Democracy, Development, Environment, Social JusticeIndia as G20 President: Fit for purpose?Meer.com Ashish22 December 2022
Democracy, Environment, Social Justice, WorldviewsThe Goba of Ladakh: Current Relevance of a Traditional Governance System (full report)Kalpavriksh, SLC-IT, NCF, Local Futures and LAMO Ashish15 December 2022
Democracy, Development, EnvironmentColonisers and colonised – why do the formerly colonised become colonisers?Ashish22 October 2022
PoetryWe bloom for youWe bloom for you We bloom for you But wait, who are you? Are you amongst those who trample us underfoot even when you see us adorning the ground? Or are you amongst the ones that will tread nimbly, even… Ashish14 October 2022
Civil Society, Democracy, EnvironmentThe Flower of Transformation Blooms in KurdistanAshish13 September 2022