Sacrificing Our Future – The New Economic Policy And The Environment

with Miloon Kothari
Consumer Unity and Trust Society
with Miloon Kothari
Consumer Unity and Trust Society
Economic and Political Weekly, Vol XXX, No. 17.
with Dr Rahul N. Ram
Kalpavriksh. For - Narmada Forum, Economic Security Programme of The Centre for Development Economics (Delhi School of Economics), and Institute of Economic Growth
IJPA, Vol. XXXIX, No. 3.
with Miloon Kothari
Economic and Political Weekly, Vol XXVIII, No. 11.
with Shekhar Singh, Kulan Amin
Sustainable Development
Economic and Political Weekly, Vol XXVIII, No. 11.
IJPA, Vol. XXXV, No. 3. The Indian Institute of Public Administration
Indian & Foreign Review, Vol. 24
Indian & Foreign Review
The Ecologist, Vol. 15, No. 5/6